
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in 1 Picture

This 1 picture sums up a lot of our 2013.

We spent the first 4 months and 4 days of 2013 planning our wedding.
That day changed not only our lives but the lives of a few others forever.
It was the first time that I left my home, my parents, my brother and our dog.
It was the first time both of our parents handed off their children to antoher human for care,protection and love.
It was the first time that we officially became "adults" buying a home, furnishing and decorating our home,getting married, adopting a pet, making a life together, cooking and cleaning, learning how to live with each other and not kill each other

I like this picture because it shows a lot of the important people in our lives together with us in this 1 photo... front and center is me and the Mr., next to me is my maid of honor, my sister in law, a dear friend and my cousin. Next to the Mr. is his best man and next to him is my brother. Behind me you can see my parents and catch a glimpse of several of my grandparents. (Sadly we didn't have the wide lens to capture Ryan's side) but they are all there. This photo was taken in my childhood church; I went to school here K-8th grade and had an amazing foundation in God and the Lutheran church built there. So many years I took part in events right there in that church (singing in church services, participating as an acolyte and usher, Christmas programs, witnessing and confirmation services) and on this day I stood in that church and had my childhood dream come true. Our future baby Norman's will be baptized in that same spot one day.I feel so blessed to have such a great church, pastor and ministry in my life.

2013 was an amazing year and 1 FULL of life changes! I am sad to see it leave because it was a year that I SO looked forward to!... but I take joy in knowing that 2014 and beyond will continue to be year's worth writing about. Our story has only just begun!

Thank you for taking a look at my 2013!